PolyJet Support Removal

Are you tired of spending countless hours manually finishing your 3D-printed PolyJet parts? Are you looking for a way to automate your post-processing operations and increase your throughput? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

At PostProcess, we offer a range of automated support removal solutions that can help you save time, reduce labor costs, and improve the quality of your finished parts.

Simply provide us with some basic information about your current post-processing operations, and we’ll provide you with an analysis of the cost savings and productivity gains you can expect by switching to an automated PolyJet Support Removal solution.

What goes in to the custom ROI?

We ‌look at the your current operation, which includes labor costs, the time spent processing each part, and the percentage of parts that come out warped or damaged.

While each customer’s productivity savings will vary, many see a return on investment in a matter of weeks due to decreased cycle time and increased throughput.

Don’t let manual post-processing hold you back. Contact us today to learn how PostProcess can help you take your production to the next level.


ROI Calculator

Please fill out the form below. Upon submission, you will receive an email with your customized ROI for an automated PolyJet support removal solution.

ROI Calculator
Hourly Rate
Hourly rate is fully burdened (taxes and employee overhead)
Percentage of parts that break during your current post-processing methods.

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